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Brown University; Watson Building

One of the projects I worked heavily on was the Watson building at Brown University. We were hired to commission the new HVAC system. STI actually finished commissioning the building a month or so before I started. First year monitoring is a program we do with all of our projects to ensure efficiency and helps our clients make sure the expensive equipment they paid for is continuing to work as it is programed. Each week I would run a report on their private FYM online tracking system which would download all the data information into an excel on my computer. I designed a special excel sheet using conditional formatting to review through the hundreds of pages of data and would pinpoint the ones that were out of the projected range. I did this each monday throughout my internship and it helped me learn extensively about Microsoft excel and online equipment monitoring systems. 

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URI College Of Engineering

Another project I worked heavily on was for the new engineering building at the University of Rhode Island. While this building is still in the commissioning and construction process, we as a business, provide the construction team with documentation and floor plans for the buildings HVAC system and each piece of equipment throughout the entire building. For many hours using Adobe Illustrator, I constructed four floors of colorized pipping, insulation and each piece of equipment in the building. The picture to the right shows you an example of the document that I built using the software. It is very intricate and difficult work, but not I am extremely confident in the Adobe software and was complimented highly by my project manager on my work which gave me confidence that I can excel in a real world setting. You can find a picture of the new engineering building design on concept here.

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